Friday, September 17, 2010


Ahhh, life. :)

Tonight was greatttt. What I did, in oder of course:

1) Rode home with the amazing Savannah Bundy!

2) Just laid around her house, talking about anything and everything, hanging at Kunkle, ordering pizza, etc...
3) Went home to see Carla's finally home again :DD
4) Conewago (one of my favorite places on this Earth) with my daddy, for a white chocolate and caramel steamed milk and foam type drink & some live guitar playing and singing by random people. ♥
5) Singing The Beatles horribly with my daddy, for going on an hour straight. My dad's the coolest.
6) And now just being lazy around the house. I love lazy friday nights like this, sometimes as much as I love the exciting and adventure filled ones. (:

Kay, that's really it. Man, this is short.
Ohwelll, goodnight loves. :D